Wednesday, July 15, 2020

To Speak or Not to Speak...That is the Question

I am an introvert.

Perhaps this is why I write. I much prefer to write my thoughts than to speak them.    

The tragic irony is that writers must, in fact, be strong speakers too. There’s no getting around it. Here’s why.

  1. As a writer, we know our characters intimately – in our mind. This is often very different from the way their words translate out loud. Dialogue that feels real and clever on paper might (and often do) sound trite and choppy when spoken. A writer needs to let their characters breathe…and speak.

2.      2. When we write words on paper, our proofreading can be compromised by moving too rapidly over sentences and missing grammar and spelling errors. Reading our work out loud, however, forces the brain to slow down and allows us to proofread with our ears. Often, we will hear an error that we don’t see.

3.      3. Finally, as further proof that no good deed goes unpunished, if you are lucky enough to get your work published, the world will reward you with a book reading. Yes, you will slave away in sheltered seclusion putting your words on paper and agonizing over every detail only to be rewarded with a crowded room of avid readers waiting for you to stand front and center in front of a microphone and read your work!

So, the moral of this story is to couple reading with writing from a young age, even if they find it uncomfortable at first. When your child writes a story and asks you to read it, ask them to read it to you first. As part of their proofreading of academic papers, have them read it out loud.

If you face resistance, make it fun. Read the story in a British accent or in a low, deep voice. Play with the words and let them take on a life of their own. Writing was meant to be shared…and spoken. Help your child bridge this gap between the written word and the spoken word.

It is naïve to think that what we write will only be read. It will also be spoken, so as painful as it may be for introverted writers like myself, we need to resign ourselves to public speaking as well.

How do your kids feel about reading out loud and sharing their written work?

1 comment:

  1. As a fellow introvert I feel you! It's true that you must read your work aloud to really test how it flows and proofread. I find it to be SO helpful! I ALSO recently learned about the "Read Aloud" feature in Word, it's a game changer!

    And, btw, you left some very kind, encouraging comments on my blog WAY back in 2009 that I'm just now seeing. I was very young learning to blog and I think I didn't know how to see my comments :,) So a VERY belated, thank you!
